Luna 3

Luna 3


Dostępność: Dostępny nie wcześniej niż za 2 tygodnie

Czas wysyłki: 14 dni

Koszt wysyłki: od 25 zł

Stan produktu: Nowy

Gwarancja: Gwarancja Producenta

BDG - Kolor

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The LUNA 3 is a reflex paramotor wing for intermediate and advanced pilots. It has a very high top speed and a wide speed range. Size is not always everything, but when it comes to the LUNA 3 it’s worth paying attention! Larger sizes with lower wing loadings are ideal for intermediate pilots. Smaller sizes flown at higher wing loadings are fast, dynamic craft that experienced pilots can push to the limits and have an absolute blast. While it’s not an out-and-out comp wing the LUNA 3’s speed, agility, stability and efficiency are all the ingredients you need to tackle the varied tasks of classic PPG comps.

The LUNA 3 is a complete redesign from first principles, and we’ve been growing, evolving and perfecting it for years. The easy launch, stable flight characteristics and good slow-speed ability make for stress-free flying on any voyage. The aerodynamic performance means good fuel economy – great for comps and XCs, and your pocket as you’ll get more kilometres from a tank of juice.

The new paramotor risers were a major project in themselves. They are adaptable. The LUNA 3 is delivered with the brakes and tip-steering on separate handles: an easier configuration for intermediate pilots. You can steer using the TST when on the bar with no risk of accidentally applying any brake. Experienced pilots can attach the tip-steering lines to the extra loop on the brake handle to convert to 2D steering. It allows precise manoeuvring with one set of handles.

Watch the warp speed! With full speed bar and full trimmers, the LUNA 3 18 at top of weight range will hit a top speed of 79km/h and the 23 will go to 75km/h.



Confirmed aerial motor-heads – are you ready for another dimension? The LUNA 3 is fast and efficient with so-sweet handling, and it’s up for everything! Landscape explorations, A-to-B commuting or classic comps if that’s your thing. Plus, you’ll be the most cosmic-looking craft in the sky!



The new paramotor risers are the result of a year-long development, requiring extensive efforts from the whole team. 19cm travel on the trimmers and 21cm travel on the speed bar give a very wide speed range and a fast top speed. Most pilots will use either trimmers or speed bar, but experienced XC pilots can use both together to unleash the incredible full speed potential of the LUNA 3.

The tip steering system allows for simple and efficient directional control without using the brakes when flying accelerated or for long XC flights. For more advanced pilots there is a loop on the brake handle to attach the TST lines to convert to 2D steering. This allows more precise control of the wing, is excellent for freestyle, but is an advanced technique so we made it optional.

We also redesigned the brake handles. A two-finger loop allows your fingers to retain the handles so you can freely use the throttle. It is a game-changer during pre-flight preparation. The handle will safely stay at the back of your hand while you start the engine, sort out the lines, adjust trimmers and go full throttle. The risk of the handle going through the propeller is drastically reduced.

Tom’s notes:
I think the LUNA 3 will remain as a milestone in my career as a PPG wing designer. The first few prototypes flew fine, but Pasquale and the rest of the team kept asking for more speed, more efficiency, keeping the fun and safety of the existing designs. I had to take a step back and take on the challenge of simulating gliders at full speed, with trimmers + accelerator ranges of more than 40cm. After three months working on my code I finally cracked ‘the full speed problem’. The next prototype was from another dimension: 70kmh+ top speed, high efficiency, and great stability. Pasquale’s extensive work on the brakes then gave it outstanding handling and flare authority, and the Luna3 was born.

Pasquale’s notes:
Working on the development of LUNA 3 was exciting, every time a prototype arrived to test it was a surprise of innovation and new design ideas, so prototype after prototype and changes after changes a wing was obtained that met all the requirements without compromise. BGD's philosophy is to try new paths and experiment with new solutions. It is certainly more challenging but ultimately very satisfying.

Dane kontaktowe producenta:

BDG, Am Gewerbepark 11, 9413 St. Gertraud, Austria, e-mail:

Dane kontaktowe importera/pełnomocnika:

Firma Szkoleniowo Handlowa SKY, Piotr Cwudziński, ul. Biedaszkowo 28D, 85-157 Bydgoszcz, Polska, e-mail:, telefon: 530815381


  18 20 23 26 29
PROJECTED AREA (M²) 15.6 17.3 19.9 22.5 25.1
FLAT AREA (M²) 18 20 23 26 29
GLIDER WEIGHT (KG) 4.5 4.8 5.3 5.7 6.1
HEIGHT (M) 6.2 6.5 7 7.4 7.9
ROOT CHORD (M) 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.8
FLAT SPAN (M) 10 10.6 11.3 12.1 12.7
PROJECTED SPAN (M) 8.2 8.6 9.2 9.8 10.4
MIN SPEED (KM/H) 24 - 29 23 - 29 23 - 28 23 - 28 23 - 28
TRIM SPEED (KM/H) 38 - 46 38 - 46 36 - 44 36 - 44 36 - 44
SPEED TRIMMERS OPEN (KM/H) 53 - 65 50 - 64 50 - 62 50 - 62 50 - 62
TOP SPEED (KM/H) 64 - 79 61 - 78 60 - 75 61 - 75 61 - 75
MAX POWER (KW / HP) 27 / 36
PPG WEIGHT RANGE (KG) 70-120 80-130 90-140 105-160 130-200

TOP SURFACE Porcher Skytex 38g/m²
LOWER LINES Edelrid Magix Pro Dry 8001U and PPSL
BOTTOM SURFACE Porcher Eazyfly
INTERNAL STRUCTURE Porcher Skytex Hard 40g/m²
RISERS 12mm black Kevlar/nylon webbing
PULLEYS Harken and Sprenger
TOP LINES Edelrid Magix Pro Dry 8001U
MIDDLE LINES Edelrid Magix Pro Dry 8001U

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